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Jordan Maritime Authority (JMA) was established in accordance with the Jordan Maritime Authority Law No. 47 for 2002 on 16/8/2002 (temporary law). The permanent Jordan Maritime Authority Law No. 46 for 2006 was issued on 1/10/2006. The most important objectives of JMA is to Regulate, supervise and develop the maritime sector,

Enhance the private sector's role in contribution to improve and develop the maritime sector, Encourage competition and investment, and prevent monopoly in the maritime sector in the maritime transport sector in the Kingdom, Contribute in marine environment protection and boost maritime safety and security standards on Jordanian vessels and territorial water.

Main Functions:

  • License of all maritime activities in cooperation and coordination with the parties concerned and in conformity with the provisions of ASEZA law in force registration of ships under the Jordanian flag.
  • Conducting inspections and surveys on ships and marine equipment in Aqaba Port area and within the Jordanian territorial waters according to related national laws and international conventions Investigating maritime accidents and disasters within the Jordanian territorial water and on ships wherever they may be
  • Cooperation and coordination with national, regional and international parties related to the Authority functions conducting the authorities of Aqaba Port Department stipulated in the Commercial Maritime Law in force.
  • Taking necessary measures to ensure compliance of ships of maritime security, health requirements, protection of the marine environment, conducting radio communications with ships, dealing with the impacts of marine accidents and detention of ships taking into account the provisions of ASEZA Law.

Organizing entry of ships into the territorial waters and search of objects falling in sea and charging fees thereof., and collect fees, costs and allowances in accordance with a regulation issued for this purpose.

JMC Website : www.jma.gov.jo


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